Saturday, February 27, 2016


Web Terminology
v  Web page: - A collection of related information like as text, image, audio, video, animation etc in a page is called web page. A web page is also known as HTML document. It can be viewed by the web browser. There are two types of web page.
§  Static web page: - A web page which contents, style, effect may not be changed when the page is loaded in browser.  The file extension of static web page is .html or .htm. There is no server side processing.
§  Dynamic web page: -A web page which contents, style, effect can be changed when the page is loaded in browser. The file extension of dynamic web page is .asp, .php, .jsp etc. There is server side processing.
v  Website: - A collection of related web pages stored on a web server is known as web site. A website may contain information about some topics or subjects. Each web site is identified by its unique internet address or URL.
v  Web server: - A computer on the World Wide Web that stores web sites is known as a web server.  When a client computer requests a web site through web browser, the web server searches the information within its file system and sends the requested web pages of web site to client computer and the web browser displays the formatted document on the monitor.
web server

v  HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol): - HTTP is a protocol that allows web browser to communicate between web client and web server. In other word, HTTP is the protocol i.e. language used by the client computers and the web servers in order to communicate with each other. The HTTP is responsible for sending a request of client through a web browser to a web server and transferring the requested document to the client computer via the web browser. The web browser displays formatted web pages in the client computers.

v  WWW (World Wide Web): -The WWW is an important service of internet, based on a common set of protocols which allows a particularly configured server computer to distribute documents across the internet in a standard way. It is also called web. The WWW was invented by Tim Berner’s Lee in 1989. Millions of web servers are interconnected with each other in the web which provides information on various topics or subjects. So, the www is the collection of web servers.

v  Web browser: - A web browser is application software that runs on the client computer and displays information of the web pages on the client computer. Simply, it is responsible for allowing user’s computer to read and display web documents (web pages).  It is used to access, find, retrieve, view and send information over the internet. Browser is the short form of web browser.  Windows Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Netscape Navigator, Gopher are some popular web browsers.
web browser

v  Search Engine: -A special web site that helps to search information on the web sites on the basis of keyword is known as search engine. Search engine generally does the following searching techniques,
search engine

§  Keyword searching
§  Concept-based searching
§  Refining the search
§  Relevancy searching
§  Meta tag based searching
v  SEO: - Search Engine Optimisation. A technique for making a website Search Engine 'friendly'.

v  Home page: - The first or main page of a web site which is displayed on client computer is known as home or index page. It will be loaded first in the browser after requesting of users. It contains information of website.  It gives general idea about the web site.  It has the main heading or the theme of the page, list of items such as subjects with a brief description, creation date or updated date and web master or owner’s information. It does not display from web page.
v  URL (Uniform Resource Locator): -URL is the addressing scheme used in the internet to locate websites on the internet. Each website site has a unique address called URL that identifies the location on the internet.


Basically, the format of URL consists of four parts: protocol, host computer, server or domain and file name.
In the above figure,
§  http: is a protocol.
§  ://: is a symbol that differentiate file protocol and file server.
§  www: file server or host server.
§  Google: domain name.
§  .com: is a type of site like as .com for commercial, .edu for educational, .gov for government etc.
v  Web host -The computer that has the ability to display the website on the World Wide Web so that everyone can see it worldwide.  The web host is a computer, just like you have at home, except that all it does is display websites on the World Wide Web.  Web hosting is the service that provides you with the ability to display your website. 



At February 28, 2016 at 8:16 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

So nice sir

At February 28, 2016 at 8:16 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

So nice sir


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