Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Application Package

1.       Word Processor
§  Concept of Word Processor
§  Types of Word Processing
§  Basic terms of word processing
2.       Spread Sheet
§  Concept and Use of Spread Sheet
§  Types of Spread Sheet
§  Basic fundamentals of Spread Sheet
3.       Presentation
§   Concept of Presentation
§   Types and use of Presentation Program
§   Basic fundamental of Presentation

Concept of Word Processor
Word processing is application software where words are stung together to form a document so that it is used for preparing documents like notes, letters, memos, reports, books etc. It helps for writing, editing, printing, formatting a document.
                There is much popular word processing software like as Microsoft word, word star, word perfect, Adobe PageMaker, WordPad, Lotus Notes, professional write, perfect writer, AmiPro, MultiMate etc.

Features of word processing
@  Used for creating, saving, closing and printing the documents.
@  Used for formatting pages, paragraphs and sections.
@  Used for creating lists and numbering headings.
@  Used to format fonts and font sizes.
@  Used for viewing documents such as normal, print layout etc.
@  Used for setting tab and their position
@  Used for finding and replacing text.
@  Used for inserting page brakes, page numbers, bookmarks, symbols and dates.
@  Used for headers, footers, footnotes, endnotes and comments.
@  Creating tables.
@  Used for drawing charts and graphs.
@  Used for working with objects such as word art, equations etc.
@  Used for inserting graphics, audio and video clips, clip art, word art etc.
@  Used for checking spelling and thesaurus.
@  Used for background and foreground color.
@  Used for working with text boxes and frames.
@  Hypertext Links
@  Printing and Print Preview
@  Zooming
@  Used for sending multiple mails by using mail merge tool.
@  Used for typing, printing and editing of letter, envelops, newspapers and documents etc.

Application of Word Processing
@  Text editing and publishing documents.
@  Checking spelling and grammars of document.
@  Web publishing, mail merging and image insertion.
@  Mathematical calculations and macro handlings.
@  Formatting and editing documents.
@  Colouring and numbering documents pages.
@  Official tasks such as create save, close, open etc.

Advantages of word processing
@  Easy to correct mistakes
@  You can save your work and come back to it at a later time
@  Many handy features available e.g. borders, text layout
@  Useful tools such as spell checker, grammar checker available to improve the quality of your work
@  Plenty of professional quality document templates available online
@  Can import data from a database and use it to create mail merge
@  Allows editing the whole or part of the text.
@  Allows aligning the text to the left, right or both.
@  Allows for merging address with letters called mail merge.
@  Allows to print whole or part of text and so on.

Disadvantages of word processors
@  You need to have access to a computer which has word processing software installed
@  It takes time to learn to use the program effectively
@  If you want to write something down quickly, it can take more time to switch the computer on, open the word processor and set up the document. Sometimes pen and paper is faster.
@  People can become reliant on using the word processor and their handwriting skills can deteriorate
@  People can become reliant on the spell checker and not proof read their work properly

8.1.2          Types of Word Processing

Types of word processing
a)      DOS based word processing
@  It supports keyboard.
@  It does not support mouse.
@  It is character base.
@  It does not support graphics.
@  It is difficult to use
@   E.g. Word perfect
b)      Windows based word processing
@  It supports number of input devices keyboard, mouse, digital camera etc.
@  It is GUI based.
@  It supports graphics.
@  It is easy to use.
@   E.g. MS-Word

What is Microsoft Word?
Microsoft Word is a kind of windows based word processing software which is developed by Microsoft.  An office package had been starting for developing from office 4.3, office 97, office 2000, office xp, office 2003, office 2007, 2010, 2013 etc.
                The default file extension of ms-word is .doc (2003) and .docx (2007). An executable file name of ms-word is winword.exe. Microsoft Word is a word processing program used to create:
          Research papers
          Web pages
          Business cards
          Financial reports
          Other types of documents
Elements of Ms-word
v  Title bar: -The title bar is located at the top of the screen. It is used to display the name of the document on which you are currently working.
v  Menu bar: -Menu bar is usually located below the title bar. The menu bar displays the menu beginning with the word File and continues with Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Table, Window and Help. The menus are used to give instructions to the software.
v  Toolbar:-Graphically represent of some commands is called the toolbars. It contains icons that provide quick access to commonly used commands.
v  Standard toolbar: -This bar is located just below of menu bar. It contains shortcut buttons for me the most popular commands. This bar includes New, Open, Print, Print Preview, Research, Cut, Copy, Paste, Format Painter, Undo, Redo, Hyperlink, Tables and borders toolbar, Insert Table, Column, Drawing, Show Map, Show All, Zoom , Help etc.
v  Formatting toolbar:-This toolbar contains the button used for the formatting. It is also called the text formatting toolbars. It changes appearing of text. It allows applying style into a document.
v  Rulers: -The ruler is generally found below the main toolbars. It allows you to accurately set the layout of the document. It also allows you to set tabs, indents, and change page margins.
  • Horizontal ruler: -It measures the wide of pages.
  • Vertical ruler: -It measures the height of pages.
v  Scroll bars: -Scroll bar is ladder on the right and bottom of many applications in which a scroll button moves.
Horizontal scroll bars: -Used to show the wide/length part of document.
Vertical scroll bars: -Used to show the tall/portrait/height part of document.
v  Status bar: -The status bar is located at the bottom of the screen. It identifies active application features and location.
Concept of spread sheet

A spreadsheet is a document that stores data in a grid of horizontal rows and vertical columns. In other word, the data or information arranged in tabular form (i.e. rows and columns) is called spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is also known as worksheet. Rows are typically labeled using numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.), while columns are labeled with letters (A, B, C, etc). Individual row/column locations, such as C3 or B12, are referred to as cells. Each cell can each store a unique instance of data. By entering data into a spreadsheet, information can be stored in a more structured way than using text. The row/column structure also allows the data to be analyzed using formulas and calculations.
The most commonly used spreadsheet application is Microsoft Excel but several other spreadsheet programs are available including IBM Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows and AppleWorks, Open Office Calc, Quattro Pro etc. The first electronic spreadsheet software was VisiCalc.

Features of spreadsheet:
@  To create, copy, cut, past and delete records from different cells.
@  Managing the various worksheets and workbooks.
@  Hiding and unhanding the various worksheets and workbooks.
@  The special pivot table features found under the Data Menu. 
@  The rename or delete the active file features
@  Keeping records in Rows and Columns form.
@  Sorting, filtering and conditional formatting of given data.
@  By using various charts to represent data.
@  It also offers data validation and validation rules.
@  Analyzing data using pivot table and pivot chart.
@  To manipulate data using various mathematical, statistical, Date & Time and Text functions.
@  Cell formatting and Merging
@  The Favorite Directories feature and Bookmark feature 
@  Inserting/deleting columns and rows
@  Applying different types of graphical design.
Use or application of spread sheet:
@  It is used for accounting and business purpose.
@  It is used in scientific data, statistical &financial analysis.
@  It is also used in scientific research.
@  It is widely used for making ledgers, bills, salary sheet etc.
@  It helps us for preparing annual budget and report.
@  It helps for maintaining database.
@  It helps for representing data in chart.
@  visualize relationships with dynamic graphs
@  build and use analytical models
@  build and use numerical models

Advantages of spreadsheet:
@  ‘What-if’ questions can be asked without rebuilding a model from scratch each time a test is run.
@  Automatic re-calculation: if a change is made then all related formulae and values change.
@  Graphs can be produced: values are changed on the graph as any other values change.
@  Variables and constants can be used: the entire model can be changed by changing one value.
@  The model can be saved and backed up: if the original becomes lost or corrupted, there will be a spare copy.
@  The model can be shared between different people in different locations.
@  No additional software is required: standard business software. No specialist training is needed.
@  It might be quicker and cheaper to build a computer model than a physical model.
@  Only one model needs to be build which can then be changed. If a physical model was made, a new one would need to be built every time a change is made.
@  It’s a lot safer to run a simulation under extreme conditions than to build the actual model and test it.
@  Computer-based models can be speeded up or slowed down to see effects that are difficult to see n real life.

Disadvantages of spreadsheet:
@  Cannot give search criteria 
@  Not as secured as a database 
@  Cannot impose condition for a field, for e.g. Suppose you want to store only those records having balance >5000 while other records should not be stored 
@  Cannot create reports as in database 
@  cannot create form to access records as in database 
@  will not check the validity of data (e.g. you can write number in NAME field without any error being displayed)

Introduction of MS-Excel
Microsoft Excel is a software program developed by Microsoft Corp. in USA that allows users to organize, format and calculate data with formulas using a spreadsheet system. It allows you to store organize and perform calculations on the numeric data.  Excel is an electronic spreadsheet program that can be used for storing, organizing and manipulating data. It’s file extension is .xls (earliest) and .xlsx(latest version)

Presentation/ presentation package
A presentation program is a software package used to display information in the form of a slide show.
It has three major functions:
@  An editor that allows text to be inserted and formatted,
@  A method for inserting and manipulating graphic images,
@  And a slide-show system to display the content.

Examples of presentation software:
  • Apple Keynote
  • Google Docs (web-based)
  • Haiku Deck (iPad or web-based)
  • Harvard Graphics (obsolete)
  • Hewlett Packard Bruno (software)
  • IBM Lotus Freelance Graphics (obsolete)
  • Kingsoft Presentation
  • LibreOffice Impress (open source)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Impress (open source)
  • Prezi
  • SlideSlider
  • SlideRocket
  • SlideWiki
  • Audience (software)
  • Ease
  • Emaze
  • Corel Presentations
  • Power dot
Note: -Other than Microsoft Power Point; Corel Presentations, KPresenter, Impress are full-featured presentation software. 

Common features of presentation software

@  Slides that can contain any mixture of text, images, video, animations, links and sound.
@  Animation effects that allow the various elements on each slide to appear after a certain amount of time or when a presenter presses a button.
@  Different form of charts, tables and objects can be embedded in the slides of presentation.
@  It provides features like slide layout, theme, design template readymade template etc.
@  It provides features like custom animation, slide transition and custom set up show.
@  Allows you to inset slide anywhere in the presentation, at the beginning, middle or end. 
@  Deletion of Inserted slides: Any slide of the presentation can be removed. 
@   Allows cut and paste slides in any order. 
@  Allows duplication content or slide 
@  Allows you to display the presentation designed in a slide show system. (View Slide Feature) 
@   Allows animations and/or sounds manipulations on objects in the slide. 
@  Simple Find and Replace, and text editor features. 

Application of presentation software:
@  It is used for presentation of information among students, teachers and businessman.
@  It is widely used in teaching purpose.
@  It is also used in various area of training purpose.
@  It is used for presentation of information in meeting and teleconference.
@  It is also used to make audio, video clips.
@  It is also used for presentation of information in seminar of any subject.

Types of presentation
  1. Static presentation: - These types of presentations are used for continuous description of any subject matter without user interaction.
  2. Interactive presentation: - The presentation which requires the user interaction through keyboard, mouse or any other devices to transit one slide to other slide. It is mainly used for educational and official presentations.

Introduction of Ms-Power point
Microsoft PowerPoint is a Slide show presentation program currently developed by Microsoft. PowerPoint's predecessor, "Presenter", was created by Forethought Inc., and PowerPoint was officially launched on May 22, 1990, as a part of the Microsoft suite. PowerPoint is well known for helping develop the slide based presentation format, and is currently one of the most commonly-used presentation programs available. . Extension of the PowerPoint is .ppt in earlier version and .pptx in latest version. It is used to create slide for business, educational, medical, seminar as well as formal purposes.
The software incorporates images,sounds,videos,text,and charts to create an interactive presentation. Microsoft PowerPoint interacts with other office products such as Microsoft Word and Excel, and is included with most Microsoft Office package.

`Basic fundamental of presentation
@  Presentation: - A presentation is a way of presenting information. Microsoft Power Point, Apple keynote, Open Office Impress, Flash, etc are some popular presentation programs.
@  PowerPoint: -PowerPoint is a presentation software which is presented various information such as text, image, audio, video, animated image, table, chart etc in slide form.
@  Slide: - A page of the presentation that consists of brief information in a topic or subject is known as slide. A topic in a slide is presented by using different media like text, pictures, sounds, movie clips and animations.
@  Placeholder: -it is a rectangular box surrounded by dotted lines. It is also used for placing text, chart, video and table etc.
@  Object: - Any picture, text, chart, sound or video clip that appears on a PowerPoint slide.
@  Slide show: - A series of slides displayed in sequence is known as slide show. A slide show can be controlled manually or automatically.
@  Custom show: -custom show is a presentation within a presentation in which you group slides in an existing presentation.
@  Animation: - animation is to add a special visual or sound effect to text or an object.
@  Transition: - A transition is an effect that can be run between slides to signal a shift from one slide to the next. In other word, a special effect used to introduce a slide during a slide show.
@  Normal view: -This view is default view of the Microsoft PowerPoint. It is also known as slide view. It is used for creating and editing slides. The normal view splits the working screen into three panes:
v  Outline pane: -This shows your slide text in outline form. It consists of two tabs: outline tab and slide tab. The outline view displays the text on the slides. The slide view displays thumbnails of the slides. It is also used for adding, editing or formatting text, images and background styles.
v  Slide pane: -It shows a large view of the currently selected slide.
v  Note pane: - It allows you to add notes that are related to each slide’s content
@  Slide sorter view: - The slide sorter view shows the thumbnails of all the slides of a presentation. In the slide sorter view you can easily add, delete or rearrange slides.
@  Slide show view: - The slide show view shows the slides on the full screen one after other on the click of a mouse. You can start slide show from the first slide of the presentation by using the F5 key.
@  Transitions: - A template is a slide or presentation that provides a predefined format and color scheme that can be applied to another presentation. PowerPoint provides more than 100 professionally designed templates, or you can use an existing presentation as a template.
@  Slide Master: - The Slide Master is the slide that holds the formatting for the title, the text, and any background items that appear on the slides. Any text styles or graphics that appear on the Slide Master will appear on all of the slides in a presentation.
@  Thumbnail: - A thumbnail is a small view of the current slide. It appears in several different PowerPoint screens, including Outline view.
@  Animation Effects: - Animation effects are builds, movement, and other special effects that can be applied to objects and text to add interest and variety to a presentation.

@  Action Buttons: - Action buttons are buttons that you create in a presentation that perform an action when you click them. You can have an action button start a video, give information, play a sound, or move to a hyperlink.



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